Lucas was born in Thailand but grew up in the leafy suburbs of Sydney’s north shore. Caught between two cultures and not fitting in either he found comfort and inspiration in art, stories and films. He pursued a career in film, but the kind of documentaries and projects he wanted to pursue did not pay enough. He resigned himself to working on TV shows and was making some headway in Melbourne. Then one day the corona virus attacked and the TV industry shut down. He did some soul searching and switched his film career for one in social services. He discovered the power of games and TTRPGs as a tool for therapy, education and developing social skills. When he needed it most, he found a path that combined his passions and values. He now DMs for neurodiverse folks and young people, and is living the dream of using his creative skills to help people around him.

Lucas Li


Georgie was born in Darwin, Australia, though by the time they were ten they had moved over nine times, so home is "wherever my clothes are all over the floor". Through a fast moving, inconstant childhood and then a working adult life in and out of retail, one thing has remained the same: they will always be daydreaming up worlds and creating stories - and sometimes they have the forethought to put it to paper (or whatever medium they can get their grimy mitts on). They currently work as an artist at a paint and sip studio, and are happiest when creating, listening to music, dancing, and stopping to pet every cat and dog they see on the street. As an avid consumer, and an artist and writer themselves, they have developed a love for mediums like animation, comics and video games. TTRPGs is just the next logical step, right?

Georgie Hazel


Jesse is a Melbourne-based, semi-professional musical performer, singer, and creative writer. Jesse is the co-host for Tabletop Unknown a small ttrpg podcast about little-known game systems.
He boasts over 10 years of TTRPG experience as both a player and Game Master across multiple systems. Jesse's passions have transferred into the professional gaming realm as he has contracted with Wizards of the Coast as a Dungeon Master for Marketing events. An avid gamer, Jesse explores what a story 'is' in as much depth he can muster, utilising his various experiences in animal rescue and rehabilitation, jewellery making, and performance. Jesse's open and honest approach to collaborative storytelling is a passion, and he works hard to make the writing, tabletop and performing spheres he inhabits comfortable and accessible for a diverse range of people.

Jesse Thomas


Ted (or Edward if you’re fancy) was born in Scotland, grew up in Western Australia and found his way to Melbourne many moons ago, where he works as a video editor and animator. An overwhelming desire to consume and share interesting stories permeates every part of his life, so when he’s not watching films and television, playing video games, or reading books, he is spinning a yarn with as much embellishment as he can get away with. Though relatively new to the realm of TTRPGs, he has taken to the medium like a turtleduck to water, with a particular fondness for homebrew campaigns and complex characters. If you get him talking about video games or the works of Brandon Sanderson, he will not shut up, so enquire at your own risk!

Edward Darling


Ash is a Melbourne born and bred nerd who will tell anyone listening that he is, in fact, a doctor. Starting TTRPG's in his uni days, there was probably a point where games were being played a minimum of 5 nights a week across a plethora of different systems. If he's not rolling dice, he's on a stage somewhere singing or performing some degree of musical theatre... just don't ask him to dance. One of the things that sets Ash apart as a GM is his confidence/audacity to make things up as he goes along; sure improv is a big part of any memorable session, but it's mind-boggling to see just how many times a fool can land in roses. This game system lends itself to poor preparation, which is why he surrounds himself with people smarter, funnier, lovelier, and overall better than he is to hide any flaws that might appear.

Ash Cooper


The list of NPCs will grow exponentially, so don’t ever expect a complete list here!
(Please help me, Jesse’s editing makes me seem more intelligent than I am)

Our Team Behind The Scenes